Monday, March 15, 2010

Monday Welcome Back you Beauty!

Nice of the weekend to fly by like that and bring Monday so swiftly upon us. Monday may seem like a stark punishment to some of you after the weekend you've had. Like a sulky child you belittle her, stomp your feet and tell the world how much you hate Monday.
Monday only wants the best for you. Monday appears hoping that you will use her to make a good start to your week. Monday allows you to make her the reason for your bad mood, your lack of concentration and, it has to be said, that rather unattractive scowl on your face. Maybe you'd rather be somewhere else than where Monday finds you today but is that really Monday's fault?

I say to all you victims of the Monday blues - lift up your heads, down that coffee and ask not what Monday can do for you but what you can do to make it a better Monday?

Have a happy Monday!


  1. hey...

    you've been quiet girl.

    Hows monday been trating you lately?

    did you know this post was posted the first monday i was ever 29.


    how cool is that :)

  2. Very cool Wozzel! Very cool indeed. Glad you're back. I'm back now too.
