Thursday, April 15, 2010

To dream a dream

I wish I could tell you that I've had the most exciting week and that's the reason for my lack of posting. I wish I could but I'd be lying. I don't like to lie. I can tell you a story though, it is all fiction.

Last week Tuesday during a trip to the grocery store I noticed a sign advertising the lotto jackpot as $22 million. I've been told you have to be in it to win it so I paid the money and got myself a quick pick ticket. On the drive home I imagined what I would do if I won $22 million all to myself. I thought about who I'd share it with, what I'd buy, whether I'd give up work, travel, donate. All the normal thoughts I'm sure everyone has. Anyway let me stop boring you with insignificant events. The thing is I won. You are reading the words of a multi-millionaire. I've been so busy spending my money, and sharing it, that I've not had time to blog.

I bought this house, this car (I've not got plates yet), and this small plane (perfect for parking in front of my new mansion).
Family, friends - that large deposit in your account you thought was a mistake? If you're still deciding whether to keep it or come clean with the bank - keep it, my gift to you. If you thought you were my friend and didn't get any money, um do you know what Thought did?

Anyway, I need a cup of hot chocolate and my assistant is due to make it for me which means I have to stop dictating this to her.

Ciao! (I've got an Italian tutor now too!)

Thursday, April 08, 2010

How does that Dolly Parton song go?

So yesterday was my first day back at work. Today's my second. As you can see I can still count. Tomorrow is the first Friday in a long time that I get to say, 'Thank God it is Friday! Bring on the weekend.'
Before you know I will be wishing the days away, dreaming of holidays, sleeping in and then the counting down to the greatest day of them all. I bet you guessed which day that will be. Yes, that's the day indeed. PAY DAY!
I'll catch you all on the weekend. Till then I want to put this song in your head. Sung by the first big breasted bleached blonde to grace our screens before Miss Anderson in her red swimsuit came jogging down that beach. Sing it with me! Click this YouTube link for those of you who were still sperm in the 80's and don't know the lyrics.
Got it in your head yet? Legend.

Monday, April 05, 2010

Time to change the channel...

This retreating into my own space on a daily basis to write seems to be working for me. No phone, no Internet, no TV- just me and a white page to start every session. This feels right. I can understand why people become Hermits and withdraw from normal life as we've always known it. The peace, the solitude and the creativity that flows when you are inside your own head, in your own space is uplifting.
I don't think I could live like a hermit. I need interaction with other humans but there is something to be said for taking time to be by yourself. The world won't end if you don't turn on the TV to watch the news or check your Twitter and Facebook feeds to find out what is going on in places you are not and with people you can't see. You will be happier if only because you don't hear about death, destruction, natural disasters,rape, drugs, nuclear catastrophes, wars, starvation, aids, cancer, suicide, murder, carnage and all the hateful things that people do to people just because they have power and the will.

We should laugh more. We should look around and smile at people more. Gandhi said we should be the change we want to see in the world.
I'm starting with things I've got the power to change. I'm turning off anything that feels negative. Just switching channels. I want to laugh long, hard and from the pits of my belly! I want the world to smile more.
Come on, give me a smile. Show me those pearly whites! And laugh, laugh out loud! It only has to start with a giggle. Tickle someone today.

Friday, April 02, 2010

A place of my own

I'm setting up a place of my own. A place I can write everyday without distraction. Not as easy as it may seem. I'm very easily distracted. For now this place is in the corner of our bedroom. A dressing table. The mirror is a little distracting. I keep feeling like someone is watching me. I might need to cover it with a sheet. Let's see how it goes. I like to have music playing while I write but it can't be any music that has lyrics. Lyrics stay with me and I find myself singing along. It's a distraction. So classical works for me. Right now, it's my main man Rachmaninov. So passionate and really seems to ignite my imagination.
I'm going to need to draw the curtains. The sunshine, the birds, the family in the garden are all more distractions I don't yet have the ability to tune out.
I think I should get a sign for the door so everyone knows not to disturb me during Writing time. I'm going to try set myself a time to write everyday. I'm going to set myself a weekly goal for the amount of words I want to write. I'm not sure what a good goal is. 1000 a day, 2000 ? I think I'm going to start with 1000. I'll re-evaluate this in after the first week if it is too low I'll increase it but for now that is my goal.

Good Friday is certainly off to a good start. I read this blog this morning. It had a link to a video that got me thinking. In truth I've been thinking about these things for a very long time. It was just what I needed today. Thanks blogging friend.
Have a Happy Easter everyone.