Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Boredom is a terrible thing to waste. Have you noticed how when you are bored nothing appeals to do anyway? You become lethargic and I almost always end up having a nap. Silly me! These times of boredom should be the perfect time to do all those things you keep putting off – cleaning out that cupboard (I’d have to be dying from boredom), wash the dried bird poo off your windscreen or even start that elusive book….

You may have noticed that when you are bored it is very difficult to get motivated though. So I think to give yourself energy to take that first step out of boredom you need to do something that is easy enough and appealing enough to get you moving. So my suggestions… grab a glass of wine, or a chocolate. Fuel for creativity. Then you will be on your way to freedom from boredom!! Man I feel like a glass of wine right now.


Thursday, June 22, 2006

ITAAALLLYYY!!! Just over an hour till the game starts – Italy vs Czech Republic and I’m going to be there with my newly knitted scarf cheering them on. Also hoping Ghana beat the USA. I’d like to see an African side get through to the next round… Imagine Africa in a World Cup Final….


Almost weekend… looking forward to this one. You all take care.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Well it has been a while hasn’t it?


I’ve been very preoccupied with the World Cup (VIVA ITALIA) and I’ve taken up a new hobby. Knitting. Yes, you read correctly K-N-I-T-T-I-N-G ! I’m pretty bad at it I must admit though. I’m in the process of knitting a scarf in the colours of the Italian Flag (Red, White and Green). I hope to have it finished in time for Thursday’s game. A scarf I hear you scoff- ‘What could be easier, right?” – WRONG!! The wool is my main enemy – it is this real soft, fluffy stuff. I started off with 20 stitches and somehow ended up with 30- something – it varies constantly. So it is going to be a slightly jagged looking scarf but for my first attempt I think it is quite impressive. The things we do for the love of our country!!


Other than knitting I’ve been in hibernation mode. Saving money and it is just too cold to venture out at night anyway. And who needs to go out when there is football on the TV? Not I!!


Wednesday, June 07, 2006





















Can it?

Monday, June 05, 2006

Looks like this bug has hit me with full force. Bronchitis - it is called apparently. All I know is I feel like crap. And if I sneeze one more time… AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!


So I’ll be back writing again when I feel more creative and less snotty! Have a good week now.