Friday, April 02, 2010

A place of my own

I'm setting up a place of my own. A place I can write everyday without distraction. Not as easy as it may seem. I'm very easily distracted. For now this place is in the corner of our bedroom. A dressing table. The mirror is a little distracting. I keep feeling like someone is watching me. I might need to cover it with a sheet. Let's see how it goes. I like to have music playing while I write but it can't be any music that has lyrics. Lyrics stay with me and I find myself singing along. It's a distraction. So classical works for me. Right now, it's my main man Rachmaninov. So passionate and really seems to ignite my imagination.
I'm going to need to draw the curtains. The sunshine, the birds, the family in the garden are all more distractions I don't yet have the ability to tune out.
I think I should get a sign for the door so everyone knows not to disturb me during Writing time. I'm going to try set myself a time to write everyday. I'm going to set myself a weekly goal for the amount of words I want to write. I'm not sure what a good goal is. 1000 a day, 2000 ? I think I'm going to start with 1000. I'll re-evaluate this in after the first week if it is too low I'll increase it but for now that is my goal.

Good Friday is certainly off to a good start. I read this blog this morning. It had a link to a video that got me thinking. In truth I've been thinking about these things for a very long time. It was just what I needed today. Thanks blogging friend.
Have a Happy Easter everyone.


  1. hi. i loved this post. so excited for you that you've made a good place to write. i have one. my desk faces a blank wall, so there are no distractions.
    i also write to a daily word deadline when i'm writing fiction. i find it really helps and the competitive spirit in me usually has me reaching it and often exceeding it. for me the trick is to turn off the internet and to write every day, no matter what.
    good luck. let us know how you go.

  2. Thank you for posting a link to the -ed chronicles. I love reading your blog and your comments! Your kind words came at a very difficult time and I can't tell you how much I appreciated it. Keep inspiring.
