Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Hump Day People!

Today I've tried something new. I opened up an eBay account and am about to sell my first item. Well, I hope so anyway. For years I've been hearing about it, about people who do it so while I've got this time on my hands I thought I'd give it a try. Why the hell not? Maybe make a few bob while learning a new skill.

It's been a very exciting day all round. The last of our boxes arrived from South Africa today. Spent the morning unpacking and tripping all the way down Memory lane and back again. Lots of photos you see. Lots and lots and lots. I've got photos that may date all the way back to 1989. I do indeed. My photo taking skills have improved somewhat I must say and I seem to pull less funny faces these days - if you don't include sucking in my cheeks and pouting my lips to give me that high cheekbone, collagen lip look that every girl secretly desires. Most of the time I just look like I've eaten something sour or someone makes me laugh so my demure pout is an open mouthed guffaw which is rarely attractive on anyone.

Best get back to my store. Should have left a 'Gone blogging. Back in 5 minutes sign.' I'll have to learn how to do that.


  1. haha, you'll have to tweet that!


    good luck with your sale :)

    Happy HUMP day!

  2. How is life going over there by the way?
    Are you enjoying it?
