Wednesday, January 27, 2010

As January draws to a close

It seems January is going to pass me by without me having achieved very much at all. Maybe that's not entirely true. I've managed to stick rather vigorously to my healthy eating plan since Jan 2. I'll let you know more about that on Monday (30 days later). That is a rather impressive achievement given it was my birthday and the fiance's this month.

I've got so much I'd like to achieve this year. Yesterday I made a conscience effort to start writing the book I've been meaning to write. I did some writing. Nothing book worthy but it's a start. The exercise did manage to get the creative juices flowing and the ideas started flooding my head just as I drifted off to sleep last night. Note to self: put notepad next to bed so bestseller ideas don't melt away as the Morning Sun rears her pretty head.
I'm going to try dedicate 3 hours a day to writing. Whatever comes. That's 21 hours a week. Certainly manageable till I find a day job and then I'll have to get very disciplined with my time. My motto worry about things when they actually start to happen not in case they do.

I also want to buy a bicycle. I need to find myself an exercise I actually enjoy. Walking is boring unless you can get out into the bush or the mountains and actually hike. Running, mmm, not my thing but maybe one day the urge will strike. I think cycling would be fun. There are some great routes around this neighbourhood and I need to do some exploring to learn the area anyway. For now, I guess it's walking, walking, walking for me. My Tae bo DVDs arrive soon and then I can add a little kickboxing into the mix. Might have to find a time when nobody is around to watch and laugh though. Mastering these routines takes time you know. Sometimes I feel as uncoordinated as a Giraffe in a ballet class.

Well February, are you ready for me?

1 comment:

  1. You're doing stuff and have plans. That's all you need. The rest will fall in place.
    Good luck with the book.
