Monday, June 08, 2009

Is there anybody out there?

I don't mind writing for myself at all but I'd like to think I'm entertaining somebody. I know of 3 people who read my blog - Miller, Hayley and my Man (said like Denzel Washington would say it). Anyone else?

I'm writing this on a train hoping the wireless internet connection doesn't fail on me and leave me quite literally without words. Just left Darlington station, next stop Newcastle. I'm looking out at green fields with scatterings of yellow flowers (that I'm yet to find out the name of) and enjoying the wee bit of sun shining through my window. I've found my place in the sun.

It's been a good weekend. I think I almost peed my pants laughing a few times. If you ever find yourself in a place called Whitby I can recommend the fish and chips! English style! We didn't get it wrapped in newspaper because we sat in but a tasty treat it was. I don't know how my Dad managed to squeeze in apple pie and custard afterwards but somewhere in those skinny legs lies a bottomless pit. Our poor waiter was subjected to my Sister's flirting and my Dad's sardonic humour but I left him a tip to help him pay to get his sanity back. Oh yes, lots of stairs and hills around town which led my Mom to declare - 'If there really is a stairway to Heaven I'm not going to make it up!'

Have a good week chaps!


  1. `ha ha ha.. funny chick.. of course I am reading this... you too funny not to! I just don't always comment... like you don't on mine.

    How long are your folks visiting for?

    Fell off my chair laughing re the comment about your Dad's skinny legs... shhhh.. don't tell him I said that..

    BTW.. isn't it time you came home for a visit again? It is long overdue... we miss you...

    Keep writing... I love reading it!

  2. Thanks Kerren! You make 4 - woohoo! I'll reach 10 readers in no time!

    Oh yes... possible visit pending, watch this space. When we know you guys will know. x

  3. Glad to hear your folks are over to see you.

    As for those yellow flowers... I wondered what the hell they are if it's the same ones. Do they take up the whole field, like a crop of sorts? Could be hops or barley or something like that then.

    Skinny legs are their to be filled, I think your brother Steve has the same, and Mom will definately make it to heaven...

    You willl probably read 10 readers quicker than i will by far. I've been stuck on 6 for about a year. You are far more talented when it comes to writting, keep it up, we enjoy your talent!

  4. Aw Shucks Miller! You make a girl blush!
