Tuesday, June 30, 2009

If I wrote a book...

what would it be about? I get asked that question a lot. If I knew that surely I would have written my bestseller by now. Oh it will be a bestseller. Why bother otherwise? Of course, the sense of accomplishment would be an added bonus. Fulfilling a dream I've had for a while would make me happy beyond that dream. Ultimately though I want it to be good. I want it to be great. I want it to fly off the shelves and become a classic in my time. These may be the reasons I've not written my book yet. Great expectations and fear of failure.

Bryce Courtenay once told me that the secret to writing a book is 'bum glue'. I paid a lot of Rands to go learn from the Master and the man who made me want to write stories. And that's what I remember most clearly. 'Bum Glue' - worth every cent. Get your ass in a chair, write and do not get up till your fingers are bleeding or you are in danger of developing piles.
I've drifted way off course over the past 2 years. Trying to get back on track with this blog. It's a start but I've got to put in more work. So I'm going to try do just that. You are all the witnesses to my promise to myself. All I ask from you is that you read and I'll take any criticism (and I'm not adverse to a little praise) you have to throw my way.