Saturday, June 13, 2009

Drag me to Hell!

When was the last time you watched a good old fashioned Horror flick? The kind that made you jump out of your seat and scream - following up with a silly giggle while you rescued the popcorn drowning in your cleavage or mourn the demise of those that reached the floor?
We watched one last night- Drag me to Hell. It doesn't have the greatest storyline but all the stuff that makes for a good Horror is there. Creaking stairs, chandeliers that shiver at appropriate moments, curses, shadowy spirits, rusty gates that clang open and shut in the wind, power failures, torches that work intermittently and let's not forget the angry evil being with the glass shattering, lightening and fire summoning voice. Oh yes and the gross parts are there too - vomiting maggots and such things.
I sound like I'm scoffing but if the truth is to be told on this page today then I need to admit that I jumped, screamed and hid behind Bruce a few times. There are some ridiculous moments but I'll leave you to discover those for yourself.
Give it a watch if you like this sort of thing. There hasn't been a proper Horror film around for a while. At the very least you will be entertained.


  1. Surly this movie is not a horror. I went to see it with some mates last weekend and thought it was the funniest thing I had ever seen! I agree there were some "jumpy" bits, but no more jumpy than someone coming up to you and going Boo!
    It went from weird with the granny chin sucking action, to ridiculous with a possessed goat and man dancing in the air.
    I must say, it was an anti climax with all the papers saying "its the most horrific movie this millennium"..yada yada!
    :D xx

  2. Craigypoo I agree there were totally ridiculous moments but lots of 'jumpy bits' and all the rules for a horror...
    I laughed a good few times though... the goat is brilliant and the dancing servant guy hysterical!
    Glad you are back reading my blog! Don't make me bully you into reading it again! Though I know you are really using my blog to avoid doing housework! Get that vacuum cleaner on boy!
