Sunday, March 01, 2009

Blog by Blog

Been staring at this blank page for a while now. Trying to think of something entertaining to write. I keep getting distracted by cricket, the need for coffee, facebook, other peoples blogs, phonecalls... and then I'm back to staring at the blank page.
So as a means of combating my lack of words today I'm writing about my lack of words. My theory if you get rid of all the bad words, the uninspired, the dull and mundane - the winning stuff must surely follow.
I think part of the problem is that I've been blog surfing. Looking for inspiration but all I seem to be finding today is blog after blog about other people's tragedies, misadventures and general sadness. I'm not heartless, in fact if anything I'm too sensitive and I can almost feel the pain of these complete strangers. Is this the state of the world today? Tragedy and sadness on everyones doorstep. Send me links to funny blogs would you please?
I need laughter. Laughter is indeed the best medicine. I'm going to start the laughing now... join me if you will.... HAHAHAHAAAAAAA HEEEE HEEE HEEE BWAAHAAHAHAAAAAAA

1 comment:

  1. Good for you. Keep on laughing. It is good medicine.

    I've had that bloggers block before. You are lucky yours ends so quickly.
