Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Thank-you Ipod!

My Ipod is the best present I've ever received. I'm not a Morning Person. I just don't do mornings. I function. That's all. Don't ask me questions. Don't talk about matters of importance. Give me coffee. A hug. A kiss. Just don't annoy me and all will be well in the World. Yours and mine.

So picture me – Miss Idont Domornings Licata. It's a family name so I'm stuck with it. Picture me sitting on a bus at 6:30am. Barely a cup of coffee down my throat before I rushed out the door. Next to me a kid- Ipod on and on so loud that the DOOF, DOOF, DOOF is grinding into my irritability like an axe to a tree. A young mother gets on the bus with screaming infant in tow. Now I'm a kid person. I even love other people's kids (guess I have to when I don't have any of my own). But come on people give me a break. It is 6:30am! Behind me a mobile rings. RINGS one of those annoying I-got-a–nokia-but-don't-know-how-to-change-the-annoying-signature-ringtone ring tones. And the Sausage behind me can't find it in her giant handbag. Finally answers it and then rabbits on LOUDLY in a language I can't understand. This annoys me even more – if you are going to talk on the phone on Public Transport at least do it in a language I can understand so I can eavesdrop and paint a picture in my mind of what your life is like. Now combine that with the random PINGING to signal the bus driver to stop. And the school kids who scramble to the back of the bus and then compete to see who can talk the loudest while one of them inevitably has an MP3 player that has speakers and will blare tunes that sound like they are being sung by the chipmunks over all the noise.

Did I mention I don't do mornings? I used to get to work growling, contemplating murder. Now picture me sitting through all of this with a smile, completely relaxed and happy and getting off the bus with a cheery 'Thank-you Driver!'

Notice the white wire running from my ears to my chest. My Ipod has saved me.

1 comment:

  1. It can definitely be a life saver. Thank goodness I don't have the travels you do in the morning. I'm blessed with jo'burg traffic and the sounds of 5FM echoeing out of my car radio.

    Glad to see you are over the boggers block you had....I thought you had given up!
