Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Monday. Monday.

Made it! Monday is almost done. I feel sorry for Mondays. Got a bad rep they do. They're always judged by their name. If I was a day I'd be Friday. Or I'd be Sunday if I could be Sunday Morning. Sunday Evenings - well, they tip too close to Monday again and the association is somewhat depressing.
I'm going to try experimenting a little with punctuation! I'm a tad paranoid about my comma usage. I used to place them happily without thinking about it. The comma went where it went. I don't think I overused it. I just used it. Then someone, I'll call her Kerren (mostly because that's her name), told me about her pet hate. I believe she was facilitating a Business English course at the time. Anyway. She hated commas being misused. How do you misuse a comma I hear you scoff? It can be done. Ask me I'm paranoid now. Thanks Kerren. And I say that from the bottom of my heart. You made me a better punctuator. Yes I know that isn't a word. Did I mention I like to make up words?

I'm trying to make a point. You meet all sorts of folk on this - watch me use a cliche - journey called life. Everyone teaches you something. Tolerance. Patience. Punctuation. Introduces you to a new band, new drink, snails or a book. Get out there and meet people. They make you.

1 comment:

  1. hmmm, Mondays, not my favourite.

    I have a had the same experience with punctuation. The running golfer posted once on the exclamation mark, and everytime I use one now I think - "Should I be using this now." Then I think "what the hell" and use it anyway. Who cares?
