Thursday, January 04, 2007

A Mole, a Hog and a Ninny meet again!

It's been 7 years since we last met but it could have been yesterday the way we just picked up on the familiar banter like no time had passed at all.
The bottle you see in the photo is the first of 6 bottles (or was it 7?) we finished before climbing into bed in the wee hours of the morning. We did have some help from a Ferret and an Architect though.
Isn't there a song about old friends being the best?
Hopefully it isn't another 7 years before we see each other again! Aren't we all so beautiful?


  1. ewww, that's a horrible photo of me! i normally look much more beautiful and don't have a big fat head as depicted...

  2. Ahh I think you are bootiful!

  3. I think you're all beautiful! I wish I'd been there!
