Friday, January 07, 2011

7 days in.

With a word or two I'm back in the game.

2011 literally started with a bang for us!
And ever since we seem to have had nothing but rain, rain and more rain with a smattering of sun just to fool us into thinking we live in the Sunshine State. Luckily we haven't been flooded where I live but my car has never been cleaner.

On to other things besides the weather. This morning as I sat working I was startled awake by a THUD.
A poor Lorikeet had flown smack BANG into my window. Poor fella sat dazed, confused and, I'm sure, a little embarrassed on the wet grass for a while before flying off and hiding away. I think I heard chuckling from all the other Lorikeets! Who here hasn't walked into a glass door before? Well I haven't but I've seen loads of people do it and I ... sympathised with them, of course.
How is this for a coincidence? I drafted this post early this morning, then in my daily reading of my regular blogs I came to Wozzel. Read Wozzel for a new way to deal with glass doors. Words to live by. I'm getting a hammer.

I'll be back in a whizz.