Friday, January 14, 2011

Can you imagine it?

I've been watching on TV the last few days the floods in Queensland. Watching things and people fight not to float away. Water is so powerful, and so hard, when it comes at such a force, to protect yourself from.

I've watched farmers sob into the camera. All their crops gone. I've seen heavily pregnant woman surrounded by all they own. No home to bring her new baby back to. I've seen the same footage over and over again yet I'm moved every time. The death toll climbs steadily and there are reports saying that some of the 50 odd people (they say bodies but there is still hope right?) may never be found. One body was found 80 kilometres from where he went missing.

Can you imagine it? We complain every day about something. Something we wish we had. Something else we wish we could do.
Imagine losing everything. Be thankful today.


  1. well if that is not as sobering as a slap in the face with a moist fish ...

    Today I will be more thankful - for sure :) thank you for that!

  2. Dammit Gail - I've always wanted to use that phrase, and slap someone in the face with a wet fish. One out of two isn't bad I guess!
