Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Thank-you for stopping by

They say, and we all know how right they have been in the past, that every great writer reads as much if not more than they write. I think I definitely read more than I write. I need to have a book - next to my bed, in my bag, accessible on the net - to feel content. Sometimes I don't get to read it but it's like my security blanket. There when I need it. So it has been amazingly comforting to be able to wander around the blogging world and read the words of others to my hearts content. I've become a Follower of a few and their places on the net are mostly the first places I visit every morning while I'm eating my breakfast and drinking that first big glass of water. Some of them aren't the regular bloggers I'd like them to be. Some have been absent for many months now and I hope they return soon because my mornings just aren't the same without them.

Blogging can be rather addictive. I feel compelled to always try be original when I write on here. It's been nice to see my follower numbers slowly growing. Mainly though, this is my outlet. The place where sometimes I just get to ramble on, sometimes I like to get a little bit quirky but mostly I hope some of you at least feel entertained.
Today I appear to be in rambling mode. Perhaps I should post warnings for those of you who'd prefer not to read the ramble. Nah - actually you came here to read me and this is what I'm offering you today. I appreciate your eyes on my words and will welcome them back again whenever they feel the need to peruse this place of my own.

Till then part we must.

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