Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Can you do the Eagle Stance?

I know I've been gone longer than normal this time. I'm without a laptop so unfortunately not as easy to just write when inspiration hits me in the face. I've got bruises to show from the slaps though. I've even resorted to a pen and notebook to get some writing out and though I've always been a typing girl I'm finding the pen and paper ritual quite invigorating. I've completed a short story. I've not done that in a while. Still needs editing but I'll share it once I'm completely happy with it.

I'm becoming a Yoga person. Is that what you call someone who regularly partakes in Yoga? I've been to 2 classes now and I reckon I might just be able to touch my toes before I turn 40. I am seriously the least flexible person I know. But that being said I could do more moves than I thought I would be able to and I've also discovered a few things in the process. I've got a third eye and it isn't at the back of head like my Mom's. I never thought I'd find myself writing that I really like doing the Downward Dog but I do. My balance is bad - you try stand on one leg with the other bent at the knee and your foot leaning against the inner thigh of the one you use for balance with your hands pressed palm to palm (like you are going to say a prayer which I should have done) and arms extended towards the ceiling. Yup, I know you can all do it except me.
So I'm unbalanced, have an extra eye and can't touch my toes. I really enjoy the relaxation part at the end. Name another exercise class where you get to lie on your back, breathe and relax with your eyes closed for the last 10 minutes and I'll be there.

I hope to be back soon. I need to work on my computer time stealing techniques! Perhaps I can distract him with a Downward dog and sneak into a Warrior 2. Then while he is still in awe of my talents I can deftly (yes, deftly) steal his computer from under his nose before he can say 'My golly gosh but you are truly amazing. Teach me your ways!'
Perhaps a few more classes are needed.


  1. ha ha, i used to fall asleep in the last 10 minutes. woke myself up snoring once...! :)

  2. Hehe! Excellent - at least you weren't drooling too because that would have just been embarrassing!

  3. hey, i would love to do yoga, if only to learn the names of all those fantastic poses.

    the 'open tree head', 'the dog facing the gate', 'the pretzel woman in the emergency room', and all those other well known yogic poses.

    hey ninnles, check this out:


    yayness and welcomes.
