Wednesday, July 29, 2009

And so the days go by...

I've been a slow starter to a very fast paced week. Trying to find my rhythm, work myself up to a jog and hope to be sprinting by Friday. Whom I kidding? Have you seen me run? It is a very funny sight.

I'm thinking of lobbying for more hours in a day. I just don't have enough time to get all the things I want to do done. Somehow the relaxing, fun stuff seems to fall by the wayside. When did I slip back into these shackles? I'm in Scotland and I want FREEDOM! Freedom I say!
Things are happening. Things are moving along. Sometimes I just want to lie down.
Speaking of which have you played The Lying Down game yet? It is taking hold of the UK in a most bizarre way. Well, I know it is happening here in the Burgh and I've seen it on GMTV.
'What do you do?' you ask from the back row. A valid question. One must know the rules before one can play such a game.
The rules are rather simple: Lie face down, hands to your side, legs straight and toes pointing to the floor- as if your standing up to attention. The more weird and random place you are lying down in or on the better.
The point. Does there have to be one?

This is my friend Dave. A master at the game.

Go on, Lie Down!


  1. I think i might give that a go tonight

  2. Good form, balance, positioning and technique. There must be a world champs for this soon, somewhere...

  3. I agree Miller... and there probably is!

  4. I'm hoping that this will inspire you all to get involved. The stranger the better. It's actually a really good laugh.

  5. Okay you people in the UK are just plain wierd :-) is there nothing else to do :-)
