Saturday, August 01, 2009

Chook-a-chook-train to Cuckoo Land

Oh my giddy aunt. I think I may be on the train journey from whatever land where packet scrunching, crisp crunching and lets-have-a-million-kids-under-6-and-take-them-on-a-5-hour-train-trip-to-London type folk inhabit.
I'm grumpy. Oh yes I am.

Maybe I should get them to play the lying down game. Or better yet the lie down and go to sleep for the sake of my sanity game. I'm sure everyone has been on the car trip with their parents and asked them endlessly 'When we going to get there?'
My Dad's classic response was always 'It is just over the next hill.' He thought I never noticed the road was flat and there was nary a hill in sight. With these kids it's - how many stations to go? what are they called?
The one cheeky monkey even stopped the conductor to ask if the aircon was on and if he could turn it up because he was hot. Then he asked him - 'how many stations to go?' 'what they were called?'
Fool conductor said one more station name than Dad had. Dad is obviously not to be trusted so let's ask the man sitting next to me.

Stop the Train! Let me get off!