Saturday, August 29, 2009

Safe Landings!

Lots of travelling planned over the next few months. Many exciting adventures to Lands near and far. One we have never been to before, one we used to call home and one we will soon call home. Fun times ahead. As much as I love to go on holiday and discover new places or see old friends and family I hate flying just as much. Actually, it is not so much the flying part I hate - it’s the landing. No-one understands how I can hate landing so much when that’s the scary part over because you are back on the ground. I beg to differ. On my hands and knees I declare YOU are not correct! Yes, you! So many things can go wrong just as you are about to land or even after you touch down. If you care to read on I’ll name a few for you. The wheels might not come down and the plane will have to belly flop onto the runway and slide to a stop. The pilot could bring the plane down awkwardly and flip over. The pilot could think he is the Schumacher of the runway, the brakes could fail and we could crash. The final one and I’ve seen this on a movie so I know it could happen - a bus containing an explosive device could crash into the plane just when we come to a stop and we will all die in the detonation!

You think I jest? I think about these things, in fact, I dream about these things. I know some of you reading this are married to, related to and friends with Pilots. Prove me wrong! I want proof of The Myth Busters’ kind.


  1. Well, I share your concerns at times, but console myself with the ratio of safe flights each day to not so safe flights.

  2. What happened to my last comment?

  3. Consider the statistics of safe landings to not so safe landings.

  4. It really is not that bad Ninnles. All will be okay. Are you on your way to SA in the near future??? Spill the beans. Where are you going to call home soon?

  5. LOL at the bus funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!
