Tuesday, October 25, 2011

So where was I?

6 months have flown by since my last post and my life has transformed somewhat. I'm coming to the end of a 12 week challenge at my gym and to say the experience has been one of the most rewarding of my life may be overstating it but I do feel rewarded. Besides losing weight, getting fitter and healthier I've learnt a few things about myself in the process. 
You know what? I reckon I'm pretty friggin' awesome! Perhaps I should sign off here and allow you all time to ponder the enormity of my awesomeness. Let me bask in all the comments that will no doubt concur that I speak the truth. 
I know. I know you've missed me. 

In all seriousness I do feel awesome. I met some really inspirational people over the last few weeks and I now call them my friends. I'm surrounded by positive people and energy in my every day life and I'm feeding off it. I've discovered I push myself harder in group situations and have uncovered a competitive streak I never thought I possessed (think I got this from my mother). It is working for me though because I'm mostly competing against myself. I've set myself goals and have to push myself harder every week to achieve them. Folk around me throw around the phrase 'I beat my Personal Best today' and that is what it is about - beating yourself to better yourself. 
I'm turning into a walking, talking motivational poster. 

I've been throwing myself into this challenge for the last 12 weeks and don't intend to slow down much after it is finished on Saturday - I have been neglecting the creative side of my brain though and it's feeling a little rusty.  So today I set myself a new challenge: to delve into my craft every day.

And so the journey begins again...


  1. That's do awesome J... And yes you are awesome :-) what kinda challenge was it?

  2. Thanks Hayley! It is a nation wide challange that promotes a lifestyle transformation - so for some that involves weight loss, for others getting fit. The give motivational talks, you have to sign up with a pt and just do it!
