Tuesday, August 03, 2010

A rant, because I feel like one...

I know people say this all the time but time is flying by. It feels like yesterday we were celebrating Christmas and here we are today in August. Life is rushing by too rapidly for my liking. I'd like it to slow down. I'm not sure I'm ready to be 35 in 2011 so I'd appreciate if 2010 stuck around just a wee bit longer. Alright?

This morning I heard that Selfridges in the UK is already putting up Christmas decorations in their stores. Hamley Toy store has launched their Christmas catalogue. Harrods is next. Things have not gone quite so mad in Oz yet. That I'm aware of anyway.

I remember being a kid (memory of an elephant I have). I remember the excitement started to build soon as you started to see the decorations, Father Christmas in the stores and on the TV and school closed. Then there was the big night in our city when the City Council turned on the Christmas lights down the main street in the CBD and my folks would pile us 4 kids into the back of the car and drive us down the road to 'ooh' and 'aah'. Good times.

Now. Now kids will still have another 5 months to wait. I wonder has the enchantment I remember from Christmas time been lost to the seekers of the Big Bucks?

I'm glad I was a kid then and not now. Rant over. I'm out.


  1. I love that - "I'm glad I was a kid then and not now." Kids today grow up so quickly. They grow up on line. Living for gidgets and gadgets and they've always said as you get older time flies quicker - and that i've experienced, now kids feel it too because they wish and wish the time away. Christmas is still 5 months away. I dont think we should be thinking about it untill October. At least.

  2. Oh so with you!
    And each year seems to go by quicker and quicker.
    When we were kids time seemed to stand still.
