Saturday, December 12, 2009

One step at a time!

Our last Saturday in South Africa has arrived. Too quickly. I'm lying in bed contemplating all that needs to be done and being the Mistress of Procrastination I've decided to blog instead. My readers need to be entertained... am I right?

I've been meaning to tell you about our trip to the Drakensberg. I love the mountains. One of my favourites places in the world is the beautiful Berg. We stayed at a place called The Cavern which coincidentally is my Dad's most favourite place in the world. I have to say that those 4 days were the most relaxing of all my time here. We ate, drank, swam, played tennis, ate, drank, had massages, played darts, table tennis, ate, drank and we even played lawn bowls for the first time in our lives (my parents kicked our asses).

So all fun and games until Monday morning. My dear husband-to-be decided that we should do what The Cavern call a Long Walk on our last morning in the Berg. I thought he meant with my Dad and even promoted it. My Dad was still a little tender from the stomach bug he'd picked up the day before so regretfully declined the request. I tried to suggest the short walk instead but he looked so disappointed that I agreed to go with him on the Long Walk.

1 minute up the first hill I realised my mistake but being the stubborn girl I am I wasn't going to admit it. 3 1/2 hours later after walking in brain boiling heat (I kid you not I heard the bubbling), begging water off my fellow walkers when I forced them to stop for a break yet again and weeping behind my sunglasses at the madness of it all - we finally made it to Cannibal Caves and I was prepared to spend the rest of my days in that cool heaven.

Lots of water, a cup of tea and some crunchies later I was able to coax my weary bones back down the mountain. I arrived back at the base to wild applause and congratulations - from my parents sitting under the shade of a large tree sipping on icy Savannah ciders. It took 4 1/2 hours in all. Hey, I made it. Bring on the next one!

Time to dragged myself up and face some shopping, then lunch with the ladies.
Catch up later!

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