Sunday, November 15, 2009

Cobwebs and memories

I'm a hoarder. I don't like to throw things away especially anything that has even a hint of sentimentality attached to it. This means that I've accumulated boxes, kists and cupboards filled with books, photos, diaries, birthday cards, Christmas cards, letters - remember getting letters delivered to you by a postman that weren't of the bill variety?- and clothes.

I'm trying to sort through things that I can't live without or don't want to and the things that I really need to let go and chuck out. I'm trying to be strong and brave. It is hard. I've pretty much kept a diary since the age of 9 or 10 but some of those have been lost or maybe I'm still going to find them. I did find one from 16years ago - I'd almost love to go back to that time and have the thoughts and worries I had then.

My books. I've got so many. I just gave away most of the books I accumulated in Edinburgh. Now I've got the job of deciding what books get to go with me and what books I need to bid farewell to and give to charity. I'd almost made the decision to only keep books that had been gifted to me or that I don't think I'll be able to replace when I got slammed by a huge wave of nostalgia and couldn't do it. I packed both piles of books back into the box they'd come from and decided to move onto clothes.

Clothes - these need to be sorted into 3 categories: Still wear, will never wear again and hope to fit into again (sigh). I'm exhausted. Trips down Memory lane can be tiring.

So I'm going to have a nap and hopefully dream of happy times. When I wake I may feel ready to tackle the clothes box!

1 comment:

  1. hola guapa,

    did you come across my little pig?
    im still looking for it you know!
    life hasn't been the same without that plastic little porker!

    oh check out the latest work by my cartoon friend Mister H:

    later skater

    un bacio
