Thursday, September 10, 2009

Caldonazzo... Bellisimo!

We arrived yesterday in Trento and were met by my brother. This place, and most especially where he lives in Caldonazzo, is one of the most beautiful I've ever seen. Mountains and lakes. So peaceful and awe inspiring.

Today I'm feeling a little sad. It is my Oma's funeral and I'd like to be there. It was not to be so I've said a few prayers and my private goodbye. I know she is at peace now. At 94 she has had a good, long life and will be missed.

Tonight we will feast in her honour and toast to her memory and our memories of her.


  1. So sorry to hear about your Gran. We will add our prayers to yours.

    Sounds as if Ryan has found a little part of heaven on earth. We are very envious. Enjoy the feast. We are with you in "spirit"

  2. Sorry to hear about your Gran. I think I met her a couple of times at your house... you must treasure those memories.PLease send condolences to the rest of the family.
