Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Strange things in a Strange Land

When you move to a new country noticing cultural differences is common. Adjusting to these differences can be the biggest obstacle you need to overcome before you start to feel like you are part of a community. Sometimes it never happens. Sometimes the things you see are so bizarre and unfathomable that you find yourself waking in the middle of the night screaming: 'NOOO, not my favourite tekkies!'*

I've been noticing these:

What does it mean? Is it part of a group initiation ritual here and if I'm called upon to take part do I get to choose the tekkies I chuck? What if I can't get them to loop over? Do I get some practice throws? Does everybody know about this ritual except me?

I really don't know how I'm managing to sleep at all with this mystery haunting my every waking thought.


Sunday, October 17, 2010

Aren't they lovely?

Meet my new obsession: shoes!

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Da Do Run Run Da Do Run Run

I've told you all about my new running mission. It has been going quite well - I've steadily built myself up to 7 minute running slots - so I run for 7 minutes walk for 2, run for 7 walk for 2, you get the idea? This for a *pka these-legs-were-made-for-walking-girl is quite an achievement.
I just did a little victory dance all by myself. It is an impressive routine - you'd laugh your ass off!

Yesterday, however, (even longer pause for effect) I couldn't, I just couldn't, get out of my bed at 5:15am. I'm not a morning person. Never have been and I'm working on training myself to be one. One change at a time. The Sun, unfortunately, love, love, loves the morning and in my neck of the woods is rising earlier and earlier making a later running time not just exercise but a torture session in Hell.
So instead I headed to the gym and selected a treadmill closest to the fan. Warmed up with a 2 minute fast paced walk and then off I ran, and ran, and ran, and ran. 14 minutes later I returned to walking pace. That's a doubling of my normal time. I was too shy to do my victory dance at the gym but I imagined myself doing it in my head. I am legen-wait-for-it-dary (I do love Barney Stinson)
How does that happen? Is it easier to run on a treadmill? My legs are stiff as sticks today so I must have used different muscles. Any experts out there know why I can run for so much longer?
I'm almost afraid to hit the rugby field again - my mere 7 minutes is going to feel like failure.

Got to run (love a bad pun) - catch you later!
*previously known as

Sunday, September 26, 2010

All the better to hear you with my dears!

I got my assignment done and in good time you will all be pleased to know. I do love William Shakespeare. So much so that I've contemplated naming my unborn children after his characters. If only the boys names weren't so, well, so naffy. Now I know naffy isn't a real word but sometimes no real words fit and then you have to make up new ones to get your point across. It is allowed. I've decreed it.
Seriously though - can you imagine how much a young lad would be teased on the playground with a name like Horatio, Romeo or Mercutio?

That brings me to another topic entirely: Plastic Surgery. I've got ears. Two of them, in fact. They perform their function more than adequately and I really can't complain about their size. Small, dainty- even been called pixie like. Have a look at a Pixie's ears, will you please? Cute, little, often pointy (mine lack that characteristic) and they protrude. Beautiful!
Therein lies my complex.

Up till the age of 9 I was totally unaware of the protrudingness (another one of my own words) of my ears. That all changed when I started at a new school and made a new best friend. My best friend and I were as inseparable as best friends could be. Teachers even used to confuse us because apparently we looked alike enough to be sisters. BF obviously did not like this confusion. On the first day back at school in the third term I went to sit next to her as usual at the desk we shared.
BF: 'I don't want you to sit here'
Me: 'But why?'
BF: 'I don't want to be your friend any more'
Me: 'But why?'
BF: 'Because I don't like your ears!'

True story. And so began my love/hate relationship with my ears. I begged my Mom to let me have the operation to put my ears back. She put the case to my father who declared, 'There is nothing wrong with your ears.' Wallet closed. I did inherit my ears from my Dad so I think he was a little sad that I wanted to undo this genetic connection.
As I've grown older I've outgrown the complex but still whenever I'm asked would you ever have Plastic surgery and, if so, what would you like to change? My first choice is always 'My ears!'

What would you change?

Sunday, September 19, 2010

A mere procrastination...

I think I've mentioned before that I'm a mistress to Procrastination. Right now I should be doing prep for a Hamlet assignment that is due this week but I suddenly felt an overwhelming urge to write a blog, check my facebook and shop on ebay. All important stuff. Can it wait till I'm finished my assignment? Well, yes but that is entirely my point. Besides, if I wasn't so inclined to add to my stress levels and wasn't so very good at working under pressure, you might never get to read another of my titillating blogs ever again.

We did enjoy Melbourne. Cool People. Cool vibes. Fantastic food and I'm still dreaming about the Bloody Hot Bloody Marys. If you ever find yourself in Melbourne - head to Chapel street to a place called Yellow bird for brekkie. Breakfast Burrito and a Bloody Hot Bloody Mary. You can't go wrong.
Ooooh and he got me some new shoes. Killer heels but it is a price a girl must pay to look sophisticated and sexy. Or the price he must pay rather. They are so pretty.
If the truth be told I'm more of flat shoe gal but lately I've found myself drawn to heels.
So to Melbourne we shall return and hope she will be happy to have us. I forgot to charge my camera battery so no photos to share but that might just be for the best.

I'm going to head out for a run now to focus my thoughts on Hamlet - 'To be, or not to be, that is the question -'

Friday, September 10, 2010

In and out

I know I've been gone a very long time this time. Lack of time if my only excuse. Thanks to those of you who have left me comments, emailed or texted me to find out when I'd be back. All 2 of you. It really did wonders for my ego.
Alas, my time today is short but I solemnly promise I'll be back next week. Sometime. I swear. Off to Melbourne for the weekend.
Take care now

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A Perfect Day

I think everyone at some point in their long or short life ponders, even if only for a moment, how they will die. On Friday I thought my time had come. Obviously, seeing as I'm writing this, I thought wrong.
I guess it makes for a pretty funny story though, so I will share it with you and let you all have a laugh at my near-death experience. I set out for my daily walk-jog on what I can only describe as a beautiful Queensland morning. If I had died that day, at the very least, it would have been the perfect day to do it. I made it all the way to the sports fields that I amble around. Most mornings I'm kept company by some arrogant Magpies, some yellow billed birds I don't know the name of and a few Ducks. We all pretty much keep to ourselves. They do their bird thing, I trot. Friday was no different except today we had some extra company - some kids doing athletics training on the track next to mine. My witnesses. This was the setting for the scene of my near demise.

On my third lap I approached two Ducks who were ducking around and I thought they would move away as I approached. Now this isn't something I'll admit too often but, wait for it, I was wrong. It happened out of nowhere. I should have seen it coming. The bigger Duck didn't move. He turned. Looked me in the eye. I was looking down at the time. He put his head down, strained his neck as far as it could go without popping off and aimed his beak at me. He quacked something rude in Duck language to me. I didn't have time to explain I didn't speak Duck before he charged. Forget ambling, I sprinted with that little... I mean, big Duck charging behind me. I must have got 10 metres, feeling chuffed I'd outrun the monster duck, when I turned.
The Duck was 9 1/2 metres behind me.

True story. Remember I said I had witnesses. I'm sure you are all pleased that I'm alive and well.

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

A rant, because I feel like one...

I know people say this all the time but time is flying by. It feels like yesterday we were celebrating Christmas and here we are today in August. Life is rushing by too rapidly for my liking. I'd like it to slow down. I'm not sure I'm ready to be 35 in 2011 so I'd appreciate if 2010 stuck around just a wee bit longer. Alright?

This morning I heard that Selfridges in the UK is already putting up Christmas decorations in their stores. Hamley Toy store has launched their Christmas catalogue. Harrods is next. Things have not gone quite so mad in Oz yet. That I'm aware of anyway.

I remember being a kid (memory of an elephant I have). I remember the excitement started to build soon as you started to see the decorations, Father Christmas in the stores and on the TV and school closed. Then there was the big night in our city when the City Council turned on the Christmas lights down the main street in the CBD and my folks would pile us 4 kids into the back of the car and drive us down the road to 'ooh' and 'aah'. Good times.

Now. Now kids will still have another 5 months to wait. I wonder has the enchantment I remember from Christmas time been lost to the seekers of the Big Bucks?

I'm glad I was a kid then and not now. Rant over. I'm out.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Run Ninnles, run!

I've set myself a new challenge. I know those of you who know me are going to laugh, scoff and call for the real Me to come forward and rid the world of this imposter. Alas, what I am about to reveal to you is a real goal I've set myself and I am determine, that's right, determined to achieve it.
That is also exactly why I'm putting it on here - time to make myself accountable to you all and not just to myself.

Next year, date is yet to be confirmed, around the 1st August I'm going to compete in the 10km running event at the Brisbane running festival ( you can check out the the site for 2010 here: )

Now for some of you this may not seem like such a big challenge but for me this is HUGE. I'm new convert to this running malarchy. I've always been a firm believer that the only time there is a need to run is if you are being chased by one or all of the following:
a) A person wielding an axe, gun, or anything that could do serious bodily harm.
b) An animal with big teeth to eat you with.
c) Those little men trying to get you into a white jacket.

I can say I'd run faster if any of the above were behind me but at the moment everyone tends to overtake me.
I'm a beginner but already I've worked my way up from running for 1 minute and walking for 3 to running for 3 minutes and walking for 3. So I'm improving - one step and one minute at a time.

Challenges are good for the body and soul. Anyone fancy joining me?

Friday, July 23, 2010

Why, hello

It has been a while. I know. Cruising along through my busy life has meant I neglected to visit this place. I've missed it. There has been a hole in my life and it is a grumpy hole. Some things must out and this is where I like to out them.
I know I'm probably not making any or much sense but I'm back. So I'll be seeing you in a short while. Not too long at all. Hope I still have some readers out there.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

What was that you said?

I have the greatest conversation skills in the world. I've decreed it. The pros of working from home far outweigh the cons but there is one thing I miss: conversation. The unending silence got to me first. I hear you. Turn on the music. I did that. iTunes is a sanity saver and my singing voice, previously reserved for my car and the shower, is improving daily. The music led to my next problem. Familiar tunes evoke memories and what fun are memories without someone to share them with? No fun at all I'm here to tell you.

One morning, a week or two ago, all that changed. My new laptop has one of those reflective WLED True life screens (I'm such a nerd). When the background light is dull and the screen dark I can see myself. That morning I started with a friendly 'Hello' and then the conversation flowed. Now I've become so skilled I don't need to see myself reflected back at me to have a convo. Oh no! A simple desire for a cup of tea starts off a day of delightful chattering. It reminds me of a childhood friend I had, Jody, no-one could see her but me. That didn't matter much. Difference is, I guess, this time I know I'm talking to myself. It makes me smile. I can be rather charming, it's alarming how charming I can be.
I love working from home. We do.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

What if it is all a conspiracy?

I've made a startling discovery. I went for a walk of Forest Gump proportions. I walked because I felt like walking. I walked because it felt good to just keep putting one foot in front of the other. I walked because I could. I stopped because I fell off the edge of the earth into... nothingness. Yes, I'm telling you the earth is flat and we've been duped by the Round Earth Conspirators. How it is that I'm writing to you now is quite a story and it has taken me many weeks to be able to get back here and get this blog out to you. For now, let's just let it lie with me simply telling you I'm not the first to fall and, together with the rest of the inhabitants of the Nothingness, a plan was made. Elvis, Jim Morrison weren't there. Neither was Michael Jackson - so let's not get silly.

Don't believe me. Think this is a poor attempt to get forgiveness for not blogging for nearly 3 weeks. I'm not the only one who believes. See this article in The Guardian and check out this website.

And next time you are out for a walk. Watch your step.

Saturday, May 08, 2010

Tomorrow is another day.

I've decided I need to set myself a new challenge. I need a deadline to work towards and something that needs to be achieved by this deadline. I've got so many things I'd like to do but you know how it is, always a million and one other arbitrary things that take precedence. I am prone to excessive use of hyperbole. I'm working on it. It could take me a few centuries to get it right so I hope you have forever to wait.

Anyway, I digress. I'm prone to digression too. Procrastinating is still what I'm best at. It gets tedious I know.
So I've been making lists to see what my first challenge should be. When I decide you will be the first to know.

Suggestions welcome.

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Sucker for the details

So it seems I've fallen behind. I needed a break from blog world. A recharge of my creative energy before I became too dull. I'm starting to bubble over in anticipation of the greatness that could literally spill out all over this page. This could get messy.

I'm halfway through reading The Girl with the Dragon tattoo and have to say it is one of those great novels that has you not wanting to put it down to go to the loo, sleep, eat, blog. You know what I mean?
I must confess I feel like I've read the back page of this one. I never do that but before I discovered the book we went to see the movie. It is a Swedish film with English subtitles and more than a little disturbing. One of those movies that leaves you contemplating human nature and how some people are born into evil families and grow into the bad by influence and then, more disturbingly, there are those that are just born bad and stay that way in spite of normal, loving parents and surroundings.
Anyway, as is true in most cases, the book is already proving to be slightly different and more detailed than the movie. I'm a girl who loves the details. So I'm sucked in and really enjoy it.
This is only the first of a Trilogy so I'm looking forward to reading the remaining books - before watching the movies this time.
I also discovered that the author of these 3 novels died shortly after handing the manuscripts over to his publisher - there seems to be a bit of a mystery there or maybe that is just my latent Nancy Drew tendencies hoping there is.

Good to be back. I'll try catch up on the blogs I've missed over the last few weeks.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

To dream a dream

I wish I could tell you that I've had the most exciting week and that's the reason for my lack of posting. I wish I could but I'd be lying. I don't like to lie. I can tell you a story though, it is all fiction.

Last week Tuesday during a trip to the grocery store I noticed a sign advertising the lotto jackpot as $22 million. I've been told you have to be in it to win it so I paid the money and got myself a quick pick ticket. On the drive home I imagined what I would do if I won $22 million all to myself. I thought about who I'd share it with, what I'd buy, whether I'd give up work, travel, donate. All the normal thoughts I'm sure everyone has. Anyway let me stop boring you with insignificant events. The thing is I won. You are reading the words of a multi-millionaire. I've been so busy spending my money, and sharing it, that I've not had time to blog.

I bought this house, this car (I've not got plates yet), and this small plane (perfect for parking in front of my new mansion).
Family, friends - that large deposit in your account you thought was a mistake? If you're still deciding whether to keep it or come clean with the bank - keep it, my gift to you. If you thought you were my friend and didn't get any money, um do you know what Thought did?

Anyway, I need a cup of hot chocolate and my assistant is due to make it for me which means I have to stop dictating this to her.

Ciao! (I've got an Italian tutor now too!)

Thursday, April 08, 2010

How does that Dolly Parton song go?

So yesterday was my first day back at work. Today's my second. As you can see I can still count. Tomorrow is the first Friday in a long time that I get to say, 'Thank God it is Friday! Bring on the weekend.'
Before you know I will be wishing the days away, dreaming of holidays, sleeping in and then the counting down to the greatest day of them all. I bet you guessed which day that will be. Yes, that's the day indeed. PAY DAY!
I'll catch you all on the weekend. Till then I want to put this song in your head. Sung by the first big breasted bleached blonde to grace our screens before Miss Anderson in her red swimsuit came jogging down that beach. Sing it with me! Click this YouTube link for those of you who were still sperm in the 80's and don't know the lyrics.
Got it in your head yet? Legend.

Monday, April 05, 2010

Time to change the channel...

This retreating into my own space on a daily basis to write seems to be working for me. No phone, no Internet, no TV- just me and a white page to start every session. This feels right. I can understand why people become Hermits and withdraw from normal life as we've always known it. The peace, the solitude and the creativity that flows when you are inside your own head, in your own space is uplifting.
I don't think I could live like a hermit. I need interaction with other humans but there is something to be said for taking time to be by yourself. The world won't end if you don't turn on the TV to watch the news or check your Twitter and Facebook feeds to find out what is going on in places you are not and with people you can't see. You will be happier if only because you don't hear about death, destruction, natural disasters,rape, drugs, nuclear catastrophes, wars, starvation, aids, cancer, suicide, murder, carnage and all the hateful things that people do to people just because they have power and the will.

We should laugh more. We should look around and smile at people more. Gandhi said we should be the change we want to see in the world.
I'm starting with things I've got the power to change. I'm turning off anything that feels negative. Just switching channels. I want to laugh long, hard and from the pits of my belly! I want the world to smile more.
Come on, give me a smile. Show me those pearly whites! And laugh, laugh out loud! It only has to start with a giggle. Tickle someone today.

Friday, April 02, 2010

A place of my own

I'm setting up a place of my own. A place I can write everyday without distraction. Not as easy as it may seem. I'm very easily distracted. For now this place is in the corner of our bedroom. A dressing table. The mirror is a little distracting. I keep feeling like someone is watching me. I might need to cover it with a sheet. Let's see how it goes. I like to have music playing while I write but it can't be any music that has lyrics. Lyrics stay with me and I find myself singing along. It's a distraction. So classical works for me. Right now, it's my main man Rachmaninov. So passionate and really seems to ignite my imagination.
I'm going to need to draw the curtains. The sunshine, the birds, the family in the garden are all more distractions I don't yet have the ability to tune out.
I think I should get a sign for the door so everyone knows not to disturb me during Writing time. I'm going to try set myself a time to write everyday. I'm going to set myself a weekly goal for the amount of words I want to write. I'm not sure what a good goal is. 1000 a day, 2000 ? I think I'm going to start with 1000. I'll re-evaluate this in after the first week if it is too low I'll increase it but for now that is my goal.

Good Friday is certainly off to a good start. I read this blog this morning. It had a link to a video that got me thinking. In truth I've been thinking about these things for a very long time. It was just what I needed today. Thanks blogging friend.
Have a Happy Easter everyone.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

All for the sake of a carrot

10pm . The house is quiet. She sleeps so I'm trying to type quietly. My left hand is struggling to keep up. I almost lost my ring finger tonight in a fight between my knife and some carrots. My finger tried to save the carrots from being sliced. Last week my left thumb tried to save an onion. I think my left hand is trying to tell me it is opposed to the unnecessary and seemingly random chopping of vegetables. My right hand found a solution. A bigger knife. I'm now having to deal with a sulky left hand that is hobbling over the keyboard hitting q's instead of t's out of rebelliousness. My right hand is quick to hit the backspace key and save the day. It's a keyboard war the likes of which I've never seen before. I'm a little frightened.

I think I must bid you all a good night and hope tomorrow Left will join with Right and a shaky balance will be restored. I might stay away from knives and vegetables for a while though.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Back in 5...4...3...2...1

This has been the longest I've been gone from here in a while. I've been reading every day but my own words were struck with a case of Laryngitis. Quite simply the words I found were uninspired and dull. I needed inspiration. I needed a muse. I needed a fresh approach. Today I've been wandering around in and I've found some very talented, some very amusing, some very strange and some very inspiring bloggers. I got lost in the words of others for a while.

I woke this morning feeling a little anxious. I get that way when I don't write. I started reading Stephen King's On Writing memoir again. I reread this book every so often just to get some perspective. Do you read books more than once? I've got a few books I treasure and reread all the time. We're old friends that have traveled to many places together.
Do you ever leave a book unfinished? I can't. Once I've read that first page that book has me till the last page. Even if it takes me a year and I read other books in between. I don't know why I can't just put it down and give it away. I feel like I may be missing something. There was a reason this book was published. Some Editor deemed it worthy. I must be missing something and maybe that something is what is missing from my own writing. Sometimes books choose you.

So I'm back. I'm going to try a few new things. Maybe.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

If there is one thing you do today...

You may recall a while back I pointed you in the direction of one of my favourite bloggers - Paige.
Read her blog today ! Very, very exciting news! I'll let her tell you about it. Just go there, go there now.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Monday Welcome Back you Beauty!

Nice of the weekend to fly by like that and bring Monday so swiftly upon us. Monday may seem like a stark punishment to some of you after the weekend you've had. Like a sulky child you belittle her, stomp your feet and tell the world how much you hate Monday.
Monday only wants the best for you. Monday appears hoping that you will use her to make a good start to your week. Monday allows you to make her the reason for your bad mood, your lack of concentration and, it has to be said, that rather unattractive scowl on your face. Maybe you'd rather be somewhere else than where Monday finds you today but is that really Monday's fault?

I say to all you victims of the Monday blues - lift up your heads, down that coffee and ask not what Monday can do for you but what you can do to make it a better Monday?

Have a happy Monday!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Another weekend is upon us...

We've been living in Australia for almost 3 months now. I can't believe how quickly this year is passing us by. Seems like just yesterday since we said goodbye to everyone in South Africa, Christmas shopping, celebrating, since my birthday, his birthday, Valentines day. It's almost Easter. I'm not saying it's been a bad start just a flying one.

Another weekend is upon us and I'm thinking a trip to the movies may be necessary. After watching the Oscars on Monday I've been craving some popcorn and you have to eat popcorn in front of a giant screen. I've also long been a Jeff Bridges (the dude) fan so I think - given that he has finally won an Oscar for Best Actor - Crazy Heart is my first choice. Otherwise there is always Johnny in Wonderland. I mean Alice (Who the?). I ask you who is more suited for the role of the Mad Hatter than Mr Depp?

Next week is threatening to be a busy, productive and situation changing one. I'm quite excited.
I will say no more.
For those of you whose Friday is drawing to a close - Rugby (Stormers rule) and Sundowners time. For those of you who are just starting the day - coffee, more coffee and Rugby for you.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

It's mine, all mine!

The long awaited day arrived - my new laptop arrived this morning. She is a beauty -all shiny and red. I'm not going to get into the technicalities here but she is fast, very fast. I've been giving her lots of love and attention all day so I think I've earned her loyalty. I'm going to have to name her. This will take some careful thought - a name stays with you your whole life. Any suggestions?
My eyes are starting to get cross-eyed from staring at her True life screen all day -so I'm logging off.

Oh for some entertaining reading - check out - if you don't already know about this guy that is. One of my favourites: 8 Ways To Tell If Your Loved Ones Plan To Eat You.
Bring on Friday.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The sun is too bright in the morning!

This is an early blog for me. I was awake before the call of the birds today. I had to check in the mirror to see it really was me and pinch myself a few times to check I wasn't dreaming. All that got me was a fright and some new bruises on my arm. Note to self: Never look in the mirror before you've had a cup of coffee.
For years I'd been thinking that my family knew not to speak to me too early because I'm a grumpy cow in the morning but now, well, I must face the face in the mirror and the truth she is grimacing at me - I'm just scary in the morning.

Have a happy Hump day!

Monday, March 08, 2010

I love Monday Monday!

As promised.
So I hereby declare Monday the 8th March 2010 to be the first of many I love Monday Mondays. I really do feel that Monday is the victim in her reputation and not the cause of it. So in order to help boost the self esteem of Monday I propose that we post to the world why Monday is so fabulous.
Monday is considered the first day of the week according to the international ISO 8601. The day most of us have to go back to work after a 2 day weekend. This is the unfortunate fate of Monday. Though in the Middle East Saturday is the first day of the work week and in Israel Sunday.
Songs by the Carpenters ("Rainy Days and Mondays"), Boomtown Rats ("I don't like Mondays") and The Bangles ("Manic Mondays") have all added to the anti- Monday sentiment.
As much as I love dear ol' Garfield - he really did hate Mondays.

Thanks to for the comic strip above.

For some reason I feel like a cup of coffee and maybe I should make some lasagna for dinner. I digress.
I love Mondays because it is the start of a new week which means a clean slate. Last week is in the past. Monday brings me one day closer to Friday - my favourite day.
So tell me what you love about Monday? Remember we are trying to boost the self esteem of Monday so if you have nothing nice to say it is best to say nothing at all.

Happy Monday Monday Lovers!

Saturday, March 06, 2010

No pain no gain... right?

So it's late on a Saturday night and I thought I'd stop by with a few words. I've felt better. I've taken a beating. My whole body feels bruised and broken. I've only got myself to blame. I did this to myself. I deserved every punch and every kick. It felt good in a way. I deserve the sweat, the blood, the tears. I will emerge victorious. I'll do another set Billy Blanks! And one day I'll try the advanced class. Tonight I must surrender and answer the call of my bed. My soft bed. Tomorrow is another day.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Hump Day People!

Today I've tried something new. I opened up an eBay account and am about to sell my first item. Well, I hope so anyway. For years I've been hearing about it, about people who do it so while I've got this time on my hands I thought I'd give it a try. Why the hell not? Maybe make a few bob while learning a new skill.

It's been a very exciting day all round. The last of our boxes arrived from South Africa today. Spent the morning unpacking and tripping all the way down Memory lane and back again. Lots of photos you see. Lots and lots and lots. I've got photos that may date all the way back to 1989. I do indeed. My photo taking skills have improved somewhat I must say and I seem to pull less funny faces these days - if you don't include sucking in my cheeks and pouting my lips to give me that high cheekbone, collagen lip look that every girl secretly desires. Most of the time I just look like I've eaten something sour or someone makes me laugh so my demure pout is an open mouthed guffaw which is rarely attractive on anyone.

Best get back to my store. Should have left a 'Gone blogging. Back in 5 minutes sign.' I'll have to learn how to do that.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Tuesday! Who would have guessed it?

First off I have to tell you about the most enthusiastic person I've ever met. His name is Tim and he sells TV's.
Tim the TV guy loves TV technology like I love Beacon Chocolate Marshmallow Easter eggs. We weren't even shopping for a TV just having a look around and my techno junkie man asked Tim the TV guy about something new. 35 minutes later I wanted to buy a TV from Tim the TV guy. Tim the TV guy sounds more Australian than Ricky Ponting. He threw in 6 dozen 'okay', half a dozen 'bloody oath mate', a few 'champion' and rounded it off with nicely with a 'No worries mate'. Shaggy haired, jean clad, energetic, friendly, professional- if I didn't already have a gorgeous fiance (I'm collecting *BCMEE* points here) I might find myself smitten. If there was a election for TV guy of the year Tim would get my vote. Picture Go Tim dance now.

Now moving along swiftly to *Beacon Chocolate Marshmallow Easter eggs*. Mmmmm. 5 weeks ago my friend blogged about purchasing a whole box of these and I've tried, oh how I've tried, to get them out of my head. It isn't happening. I may have tracked down a supplier. I'm hoping to have a box in time for Easter - a month away. Feel free to send a box my way. I'm open to accepting charity. I do believe in the Easter Bunny so if any of you know the furry fella drop him a box to hid in the garden for me. I've been good. I've lost 8kgs. I think an Easter treat is deserved.

Wha'd'ya reckon?

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

You can't call me predictable.

I did say probably Tuesday. Sorry if you were holding your breath - you can breathe now. That could be a record though - call Guinness.

Truth is I've not been inspired to blog. Have days like that sometimes and I normally try force myself just to write something. So here it is. Enjoy it.


Sunday, February 21, 2010

Not just a Tuesday blogger!

I noticed that for the last few weeks I seemed to have limited my blogging to Tuesdays. Today I'm breaking that pattern. Been a slow start to my Sunday. I'm determined to get things done but I'm easily distracted and too much of a procrastinator. Well, I used to be. Today that changes. I will accomplish all I need to accomplish.

I've been reading so many new blogs lately. The list of blogs I follow is growing so I've got more reading to do each day. If you feel so inclined to venture out in the blogging world I've listed a few of my favourties:
  • go a million miles from normal and read a page of Paige (like what I've done there?).
  • the life of Wozzel - there is a deep, intelligent, bitchy, funny, quirky guy here in spite of his lack of head. I'm sure many have wondered what is behind that brightly coloured towel your eye is drawn to. Admit it.
  • blast off to the planet Capri and say 'Howzit my bru!' to Juz .
  • and lastly, so as not to overwhelm you all in one hit with the genius that is out there, if you have not already discovered Baglett then... go, go now and laugh out loud. You will.

Till Tuesday, probably, unless Monday is kind to me.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Can you do the Eagle Stance?

I know I've been gone longer than normal this time. I'm without a laptop so unfortunately not as easy to just write when inspiration hits me in the face. I've got bruises to show from the slaps though. I've even resorted to a pen and notebook to get some writing out and though I've always been a typing girl I'm finding the pen and paper ritual quite invigorating. I've completed a short story. I've not done that in a while. Still needs editing but I'll share it once I'm completely happy with it.

I'm becoming a Yoga person. Is that what you call someone who regularly partakes in Yoga? I've been to 2 classes now and I reckon I might just be able to touch my toes before I turn 40. I am seriously the least flexible person I know. But that being said I could do more moves than I thought I would be able to and I've also discovered a few things in the process. I've got a third eye and it isn't at the back of head like my Mom's. I never thought I'd find myself writing that I really like doing the Downward Dog but I do. My balance is bad - you try stand on one leg with the other bent at the knee and your foot leaning against the inner thigh of the one you use for balance with your hands pressed palm to palm (like you are going to say a prayer which I should have done) and arms extended towards the ceiling. Yup, I know you can all do it except me.
So I'm unbalanced, have an extra eye and can't touch my toes. I really enjoy the relaxation part at the end. Name another exercise class where you get to lie on your back, breathe and relax with your eyes closed for the last 10 minutes and I'll be there.

I hope to be back soon. I need to work on my computer time stealing techniques! Perhaps I can distract him with a Downward dog and sneak into a Warrior 2. Then while he is still in awe of my talents I can deftly (yes, deftly) steal his computer from under his nose before he can say 'My golly gosh but you are truly amazing. Teach me your ways!'
Perhaps a few more classes are needed.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Time to say goodbye...

You've been my closest companion for the last 6 years - give or take. Sometimes the first thing I see in the morning. Sorry about that, I know I'm not at my best in the morning. Somehow you always knew to keep me quiet company. You let me keep in contact with everyone I know. Without you I'd never be able to keep up with Skype, Facebook, e-mail. You've endured my rants when I furiously pounded the keyboard without so much as a wince or a whine. You held my memories close to you and allow me time to sift through them when the need struck me.
You always been the first one I let read my diary, my stories, my letters. You know my soul.
I'm sorry you have gotten so weak. I'm sorry your memory isn't holding anymore. I'm sorry you can't even light up anymore. I'm sorry I've overworked you and given you nothing in return. I hope you are more appreciated wherever you end up. I hope you don't mind that I've decided that your parts should be donated to anyone who might be able to put them to good use. It's almost a comfort to me to know that somewhere out there a part of you might be serving someone else and making them as happy as you made me.

Goodbye my friend. This is the end. I'll miss you. But you were my first and for that you will always have a special place in my memory. You definitely lived up to your name JAC - Jay's Awesome Compaq!
Goodbye Jac - my beloved HP Compaq NX6110.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Thank-you for stopping by

They say, and we all know how right they have been in the past, that every great writer reads as much if not more than they write. I think I definitely read more than I write. I need to have a book - next to my bed, in my bag, accessible on the net - to feel content. Sometimes I don't get to read it but it's like my security blanket. There when I need it. So it has been amazingly comforting to be able to wander around the blogging world and read the words of others to my hearts content. I've become a Follower of a few and their places on the net are mostly the first places I visit every morning while I'm eating my breakfast and drinking that first big glass of water. Some of them aren't the regular bloggers I'd like them to be. Some have been absent for many months now and I hope they return soon because my mornings just aren't the same without them.

Blogging can be rather addictive. I feel compelled to always try be original when I write on here. It's been nice to see my follower numbers slowly growing. Mainly though, this is my outlet. The place where sometimes I just get to ramble on, sometimes I like to get a little bit quirky but mostly I hope some of you at least feel entertained.
Today I appear to be in rambling mode. Perhaps I should post warnings for those of you who'd prefer not to read the ramble. Nah - actually you came here to read me and this is what I'm offering you today. I appreciate your eyes on my words and will welcome them back again whenever they feel the need to peruse this place of my own.

Till then part we must.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

The battle of Melbourne

Today a battle is going to be fought. Two men, neither friend or foe, will stand across from each other and draw their swords. It won't end in death but someone has to lose. One will gain a title.
Both have much more to fight for. The camps are divided. The Champion has many followers from many nations who will rise to support him. The Mighty Challenger has the weight of the support of a great nation who covert a grand trophy to be returned to their land for the first time in 74 years. Supporters can lift you up or they can crush you -which will it be for these two?

As the sun descends over the Blue Battlefield the white battles lines will beckon the warriors and their supporters towards it. Once the coin is tossed you must know your mind. Shout your support for your chosen warrior and paint yourself in his colours.
I know my choice already. The Champion Federer has my unwavering support. Long may he be number 1 ! To war!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

As January draws to a close

It seems January is going to pass me by without me having achieved very much at all. Maybe that's not entirely true. I've managed to stick rather vigorously to my healthy eating plan since Jan 2. I'll let you know more about that on Monday (30 days later). That is a rather impressive achievement given it was my birthday and the fiance's this month.

I've got so much I'd like to achieve this year. Yesterday I made a conscience effort to start writing the book I've been meaning to write. I did some writing. Nothing book worthy but it's a start. The exercise did manage to get the creative juices flowing and the ideas started flooding my head just as I drifted off to sleep last night. Note to self: put notepad next to bed so bestseller ideas don't melt away as the Morning Sun rears her pretty head.
I'm going to try dedicate 3 hours a day to writing. Whatever comes. That's 21 hours a week. Certainly manageable till I find a day job and then I'll have to get very disciplined with my time. My motto worry about things when they actually start to happen not in case they do.

I also want to buy a bicycle. I need to find myself an exercise I actually enjoy. Walking is boring unless you can get out into the bush or the mountains and actually hike. Running, mmm, not my thing but maybe one day the urge will strike. I think cycling would be fun. There are some great routes around this neighbourhood and I need to do some exploring to learn the area anyway. For now, I guess it's walking, walking, walking for me. My Tae bo DVDs arrive soon and then I can add a little kickboxing into the mix. Might have to find a time when nobody is around to watch and laugh though. Mastering these routines takes time you know. Sometimes I feel as uncoordinated as a Giraffe in a ballet class.

Well February, are you ready for me?

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Saturday Sunshine, Scrabble and Stoney Ginger Beer!

I think my favourite breakfast in the world has to be Eggs Benedict. Mmm Mm mMm. I love it! I needed to up my Protein for an intense Scrabble Battle. Apparently I needed more than Protein. I got my ass kicked. Time to get googling with some Scrabble winning tips. I will be Scrabble Queen. Serious.

Allowed myself to be consoled with half a glass of Stoney Ginger Beer. We've found a local South African shop. Yay! When the need for Stoney, Creme Soda, Ouma rusks, Pecks anchovette or even a heaven forbidden Tempo arises - it'll only be a short hop, skip and a jump away.

Do you remember how much fun skipping used to be when you were a kid? I'm not talking about the jumping with a rope kind. I'm talking about the skipping that was halfway between running and walking fast, almost jogging I suppose, and then lifting you knees up towards your chest. Probably more of a little girl thing. My memory feels like it was an effortless exercise. I think I might go have a skip around the garden. When the sun goes down. 32 degrees in the shade right now.

Famous homemade chicken curry for party dinner tonight. My significant other's birthday today. And as a special treat we are going to make Don Pedros for dessert. For my non-Saffa reader's you have to try a Don Pedro.

Have a fabulous Saturday!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Made it!

All the checks have been done. No wrinkles. No grey hair. No arthritis. Made it to 34.
What's next? Tomorrow. I'm ready for you.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Whose Birthday is it?

It's getting mighty close to my birthday and I've been pondering a few things. I've always loved my birthday. Never been one to worry about getting older. I just love birthdays. Not just mine either. I love being able to spoil other people on their birthdays. A friend of mine calls me the birthday fairy because I don't often forget a birthday and tend to remind everyone to wish the birthday person. I know so many of my friends like to forget it's their birthday as they are getting older but could never understand it.

Birthday Fairy has a message for you : it's my birthday on Tuesday.

Consider yourself reminded.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


I've been thinking about things to write about only to discover I have nothing to say. What do you write about when you never leave the house? I'm beginning to doubt the existence of an outside world. I think I'm starting to feel an inkling of what it must be like to be stranded somewhere all alone with only a basketball to talk to. Sounds like a movie you've watched. I've at least got my Fiance and his family to talk to. Sometimes though- when his parents are at work and we are both absorbed in our separate tasks - hours can go by without any words being spoken. Do you think you'd forget how to speak if you didn't for an extended period of time?
It's like the question : 'If a tree falls in the woods and there is no-one around to hear it, does it make a sound?' - does it?
So if a blog is written but not read, am I blind?

I fear I'm going mad. I was warned this might happen. Let the madness take its toll.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Monday Morning

and I sure feel fine. Yup, I've got that Fleetwood Mac song in my head and I feel like dancing. I'm down 3kgs in total now - after only 9 days. Simply Slim works and I suppose it does help that I drink about 18 glasses of water a day along with my green tea and I'm eating healthy, small meals. No exercise yet but baby steps People. I'll get to it.

So I'm determined to start my week in a positive and proactive fashion. I'm expecting great things from myself this year so I better get started helping that greatness find me.

Have a good week. I might be back later today if I think of anything of importance to discuss.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sunday Bliss

Another beautiful day and it's a Sunday. Still my favourite day of the week even though right now all the days seem to be flowing into one another.

10 days in to 2010. It's my little sisters' birthday today.

Let me tell you a little about my little sister. She is 5 years younger than me. Shorter too. Dark brown eyes that go black when she's angry. Brunette. Passionate and feisty - you want to stay on her good side. And if you are then she will be the most loyal friend you could find. Beautiful, fiery, loyal, loving, funny and not a bad cook. Her husband is a lucky guy.
I think I'll leave it there - never good to give away too many family secrets. Especially when there is a Sicilian strain in the family - and I already mentioned that it was better to stay on her good side right?

Happy Birthday Little Sister!

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Perfect timing and getting rich quick

It would seem that we chose the perfect time to get out of Edinburgh. Gathering from the weather reports on BBC news and Facebook the whole of the UK is frozen. Here I sit in our dining room with a big glass of icy water next to me and the aircon on full. I must admit it is a little overcast but no rain and still 24 degrees.

Today I've been on a mission to find ways to bring in money. Besides working on my CV and hunting on the job sites - I've done a little Googling. Typing in 'Making money online' produces all sorts of ways to supposedly do just that. Some I'm sure are legit and not scams but some sound too good to be true - which means the aren't. You can spend your days completing surveys, type, learn all about Internet marketing or dabble on the stock market. One guy is even giving away free information on how to earn up to $1200 a day just give him your e-mail address and if it works you can come back and give him a donation. Turns out this is something to do with online gambling and this guy really made his money from using AdWords. Maybe it works but I'm not much of a gambler.
Only one that seems simple and for real - though it is never going to make me a rich - is AdSense. I get paid whenever someone clicks on an advert on one of my blogs. I'll be a millionaire before I die at that rate with my 1 blog and 9 followers.

Oh well as my Grandmother would say 'Save the pennies dear and the pounds will save themselves.'

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Bouncing off the walls!

I feel like the Energiser bunny! I've had so much energy today- Loving it.
We were woken up early this morning by the Crows. They really are the most tone deaf birds on the planet. CAW CAW CA CAW is not the sound you want to be waking up to at 4am in the morning. Especially when there is more than one and they are trying to harmonise. I need a humane way to make them leave our garden never to return. Any ideas?

I did discover that the sun is already shining quite brightly at 4am. After being sun deprived for the last 3 years it is nice to see her again. She is pretty hot I must tell you.

How has your week been?

Monday, January 04, 2010

2010 Detox of mind, body and soul

This is a year of big adventures in my life. New Country. New Job. New healthy lifestyle. All new. It is a little scary but exciting at the same time.

I'm three days in to my healthy lifestyle change which has involved popping a little pill (Simply Slim) every morning, eating healthy and drinking lots and lots of water. This pill promises to detoxify your body and assist with weight loss. All 100% natural. The detoxification process hasn't been too brutal. Bouts of nausea and a thumping headache but they do warn that this will happen in the first 1 - 3 days. I'm already down 1.6kgs this morning so I'll suffer the headache - thanks very much. My sister-in-law-to-be is cooking up what she is calling an extravaganza feast tonight. I've heard mention of Lemon Meringue pie. My favourite. My willpower is strong. I will not succumb to the evils within the Pie. Watch this space.

Next on the list is finding a way to bring in some money. I know everyone wants to work from home but how do they achieve it? I wonder if I could make money by blogging full time. Any ideas welcome.
In the meantime I'm getting the CV up-to-date and searching the job sites for my dream job. You know the kind I mean - great office vibe, lots of money, very little stress and flexi-time hours.

So far this year is going pretty well. Long may it continue!

Friday, January 01, 2010

Once in a Blue Moon

2009 ended with this beauty of a Blue Moon. I thought it deserved the centre of attention on this my 100th Blog. May 2010 bring many more magnificent sightings.

Happy New Year!